Friday 1 November 2013

Labuan Mirror.

Labuan Lake Mirror

Deep in the interior of East Kalimantan , lies Labuan Lake Mirror . Clear lake is special because it has the sea at the bottom. Sea at the bottom of the lake ? True , this lake has a flow of salty water that exist only in the bottom of the lake .
Labuan Mirror is located in the Big Dipper - dipper District , East Kalimantan . If viewed on a map , it is located right at the back of the nose Kalimantan . This place can be reached within a three -hour sea journey from Derawan .
The top of Labuan Mirror Lake contains freshwater such as lakes in general . But there are a few feet below the flow of salt water . Surprisingly , both types of water is not mixed . In the visible can be seen that the sea water and fresh water are separated by a layer of clouds similar .
No one has done research in this area so that the formation of this phenomenon is still a mystery .
White cloudy layer was thought to result spoilage organisms harbor base is trapped and unable to leave . Two types of water in the lake is also presenting two organisms of the world . Freshwater fish living on the surface , whereas the sea water fish can be found on the bottom of the lake .
When I get there , coincidentally being thin layer of fresh water . The crew of the dive boat and had tasted the salty water at a depth of about two meters . Apparently layer thickness freshwater and saltwater can be changed in accordance with tidal sea water .
This tiny lake surrounded by woods and there are towering cliffs on one side . We were treated to music while swimming forests - the sound of birds and insects . Not surprisingly, the lake is named Labuan Mirror : crystal clear water until people can reflect on it . Flows in some places quite strong and easy to drag people who can not swim .
To get to this place we had to ride the canoe fishermen and travel pass for 15 minutes , cut through the mangrove and scrub forest . The forest was still inhabited by a variety of wild animals such as monkeys , proboscis monkeys , otters and bears .
Because the distance is quite far from the city , rarely or almost no tourists who visit here. This place is only known by the local people from the surrounding area. Facilities and infrastructure are still sober . The place we stayed was a Fisherman Information Center ( PIN ) assisted The Nature Conservancy , the environmental activist organization invited me to visit this place .
PIN -shaped house on stilts at the edge of the mouth of a river , only a few hundred meters from the sea . The house had some sort of a small pier where boats moored River in front of the PIN brackish water . Levels of all her pickles depending on tidal sea water . When the sea receded , the river turned out to be very clear so that basically can be seen clearly .
From the porch we could see the fish hanging around . A fisherman's daughter who loves to play in the PIN explain to us the types of fish. There are many prickly fish, there are fish that sting and long flat -bodied fish. Not only visited by fishermen, the PIN is also a gathering place for the children of fishermen .
It was getting dark when some fishermen went out to sea , we spent the evening with a cup of coffee on the porch and looked at the river and the moon almost full . Atmosphere of peace that can not be found in the city .
So, thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: Nopember 01, 2013 at 17.49

Code : 5QD4NVF3YWCZ .
Tag : Labuan Mirror.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Skyscraper Made Of Wood.

Believe it or not that building a house made of wood it is only 1 person , he was named Nikolai . Over the years , in his solitude in a prison cell , he dreamed of building an imposing building , a large house that can be seen from many miles around the small village.

Believe it or not that the house is built of wood is only carried one person, he is Nikolai.

Once out of prison he started working , without any experience in architecture and construction , start step by step , wood to wood , crop to crop . To build a house that is now known locally as the 'House of Nikolai Skyscraper '.

Construction of the house is known as the 'House of Nikolai Skyscraper'.

The building is not finished and may never be completed.

With 12 plants and more than 38 feet high , this eccentric house construction was successfully established in the rest of the house , consisting of two floors high with the profile of slash and tower .
According to Nikolai , the building is not finished and may never be completed . Or at least, that the building would continue until the government stops him , as it seems , this skyscraper safety at risk of collapse .
Although they acknowledge that the house he built in this small town has managed to attract tourists come in droves just to see and take pictures in it .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 31, 2013 at 17.04
Code : 5QD4NVF3YWCZ .
Tag : Skyscraper Made Of Wood.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Veranderende Intelligence Systems.

Amerikaanse Aftappen Verzacht materie .

Duits protest en de druk van de internationale gemeenschap om de Verenigde Staten (VS ) maken verzacht.
Eenmaal veroordeeld tot het aftappen van de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel , president Barack Obama's regering om de praktijk van intelligentie National Security Agency ( NSA ) evalueren stoppen .
In een persconferentie op maandag ( 28/10 ) , Witte Huis woordvoerder Jay Carney bevestigd dat Obama buitenlands beleid zal hervormen , in het bijzonder het beleid met betrekking tot de praktijk van intelligentie en aftappen .
" We zijn het ontwerpen van een methode om de transparantie in het programma toe te voegen , " zei hij . Volgens hem is het huidige Witte Huis evalueren gezamenlijke congres .
Obama hoopt transparantie in Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten missies om het vertrouwen bondgenoten teruggroeien naar Washington .
Om niet in strijd zijn met de wetgeving die in het land van Uncle Sam kracht , het Witte Huis bewust de hulp van het Congres in het formuleren van de definitie van transparantie .
Het is gezegd dat de VS niet langer stil zal worden aangeboord zoals zij heeft gedaan in Merkel .
Eerder, de New York Times meldde dat Obama van plan om het aftappen programma tegen de leiders van bevriende landen , met name de Amerikaanse bondgenoten in Europa te verwijderen , maar het is niet makkelijk om een programma voor de NSA te stoppen , want er is een lange procedure die ze moesten passeren , en het is onduidelijk of Congress steunt het plan van Obama .
"Er is nog geen definitieve beslissing over het ( beëindiging aftappen praktijken van de leiders van bevriende landen ) .
De overheid is nog steeds discussie en beoordeling van het plan ", zei een anonieme ambtenaar Washington .
Nu het vertrouwen te herstellen in de landen gelieerd aan het Amerikaanse buitenlands beleid prioriteit .
Senator Dianne Feinstein , voorzitster van de Senaat Intelligence Committee , een beroep op de regering-Obama om grondig herzien de intelligentie programma .
"Het Witte Huis had meegedeeld werd dat het afluisteren van Amerikaanse geallieerde landen niet zullen blijven," zei de Democratische Partij thuisstaat Californië.
Feinstein staat volledig achter het besluit van het Witte Huis. Hij hoopte dat de VS niet zou het opnieuw doen roekeloze praktijken in de toekomst.
"Met alle respect voor de NSA dat veel intelligentie hebben verzameld over bevriende landen Ik herhaal dat ik sterk tegen dergelijke praktijken," zei hij.
Volgens Feinstein, mag de VS niet op zoek gaan of op te slaan persoonlijke nummers en e-mailaccounts wereldleiders, met name leiders van bevriende landen.
"Een dergelijk initiatief mag alleen worden gedaan in geval van nood en hebben de kennis van de president," zei hij.
Hij gelooft dat Obama niet weet over de praktijk van het aftappen tegen Merkel.
Dus, bedankt voor het lezen van dit artikel. Geschreven en geplaatst door Bambang Sunarno.
naam: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 30, 2013 om 20.38
Tag : Veranderende Intelligence Systems.

Monday 28 October 2013

German Intelligence leaders.

Germany does not want to be too long to wait for an explanation United States ( U.S. ) on wiretapping the National Security Agency ( NSA ) .
Yesterday ( 26/10 ) Berlin insists that the German delegation is ready to go to Washington.
Team consisting of several prominent intelligence will leave as early as this week.
" Representative government officials immediately went to the U.S. and discussions with the White House and NSA related to emerging issues , " said Chancellor Angela Merkel spokesman Georg Streiter about NSA wiretapping conducted , United States ( U.S. ) .
According to the news , the director Gerhard Schindler German foreign intelligence agency alias Bundesnachrichtendienst ( BND ) will also join the group .
At the same time , Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Europe . 69 -year-old politician visited the city of Rome , Italy and the City of Paris , France in the framework of the Middle East peace mission .
But the heat of the news about the NSA wiretapping forced to make Kerry spoke.
As President Barack Obama , he stated that the wiretapping was an attempt by the U.S. to protect allies .
" Kerry discusses the NSA 's action with the French and Italian officials , " said Kiron Skinner , director of the Center for International Relations and Politics at Carnegie Mellon University .
It is said that the U.S. does not deny the existence of the practice of wiretapping , but he did not disclose the action is still happening or just happened in the past .
" As a diplomat , Kerry understood in establishing intelligence and diplomatic cooperation with other nations , be it on the issue of Syria and Iran , the NSA practice should not have happened , " said Skinner .
According to him , the practice would likely threaten the success of the U.S. anti-terror cooperation with allies .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 28, 2013 at 09.49
Code : 5QD4NVF3YWCZ .
Tag : German intelligence leaders.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Angered over Europe.

Relationships Being Damaged .
Eavesdropping National Security Agency ( NSA ) United States ( U.S. ) to make the leaders of the European Union ( EU ) was upset.
Moreover, in addition to German Chancellor Angela Merker , President of France Francois Hollande also believes that the NSA tapped his cell phone , and did not rule out the U.S. had tapped into other European leaders .
Since last Thursday ( 24/10 ) , EU leaders held a meeting in the city of Brussels, Belgium .
They discussed the tapping action of the U.S. against its allies . A total of 28 leaders declared that Washington wisdom that the U.S. has the potential to harm good relations and EU countries that has existed for decades .
Not only that , the leader of mobile phone tapping action of the state can also be fatal in cooperation culminated in the anti-terror throughout the world , because, as said Merkel , the EU leaders felt the U.S. had betrayed .
"The absence of mutual trust and only give birth prejudice that could threaten the success of the cooperation in the field of intelligence , " said they .
For Germany and France , the NSA action Edward Snowden revealed in an interview with the media was enough to make them very angry.
Therefore, Berlin and Paris urged Washington to immediately provide a detailed explanation related to the NSA wiretapping activities in the country .
Two U.S. allies are hoping the three parties will reach a new understanding and agreement about wiretapping before the end of the year .
" We need to foster mutual trust between allies and partners . Now trust that we need to get up again , " Merkel said after a meeting of the EU's 28 leaders ended yesterday ( 25/10 ) .
59 -year-old woman reiterated that action spy on cell phone tapping and even leaders of countries listed as allies is stupid .
Berlin yesterday revealed plans to send senior officials to the U.S. in the near future .
Later delegation of intelligence officials , including the head of Germany 's domestic intelligence and foreign will visit the White House and the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade , Anne Arundel Country , the State of Maryland .
" The delegation will leave for the U.S. as quickly as possible . They will ask for a detailed explanation of the U.S. related to wiretapping and make a new agreement related to the activity of spying on allied countries , " said Georg Streiter , a spokesman for the German government .
However , he did not mention the exact date of departure the German delegation to the United States .
At the same time , The Guardian exposes new facts related to the NSA wiretapping . In Thursday 's edition , the British newspaper reported that the U.S. actually monitor communications 35 countries of the world leaders in 2006 .
That said , the NSA get a cell phone number of the leaders of the important officers of the White House and Pentagon .
" Now our relationship ( Europe ) and the U.S. really is at stake , " said Hollande , who reportedly also one of the NSA wiretapping targets .
Yesterday in a joint pernayataan , EU leaders confirmed their support for Germany and France which would seek an explanation from the United States .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 26, 2013 at 20.47
Tag : Angered over Europe.

Appuyant aussi la France aux États-Unis.

Nouvelle reconnaissance de Edward Snowden .
Edwrd Snowden ont montré des intersections révélées par la National Security Agency ( NSA ) contre les pays alliés des États-Unis ( US) .
Cette fois, c'est anciens NSA négociations contractuelles des salariés sur les Français . Selon les rapports, les Etats-Unis avait 70,3 millions de conversations téléphoniques interceptées dans le district de vin pour 30 jours.
Snowden affirme que la forte réaction immédiatement soulevé de France. Hier ( 21/10) ministre des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius qui assiste à une réunion ministérielle de l'Union européenne (UE) au Luxembourg action directe.
Il a dirigé le ministère de convoquer l'ambassadeur américain en France, Charles Rivkin . Il a également demandé le 51 -year-old diplomate décrit tapant comme Snowden exprimé .
«La pratique de violer la vie privée de cette s'effectue alliés ne peuvent simplement pas être toléré. Nous devrions bientôt être en mesure de s'assurer que ce genre d'action qu'ils ne s'appliquera pas à nouveau sous aucun prétexte , " Fabius a déclaré dans une conférence de presse hier (21 / 10 ) . Il espère réaliser un appel Rivkin ministères et fournir une explication satisfaisante .
Dans une interview avec la station de radio Europa I, ministre de l'Intérieur Manuel Valls a révélé que les revendications Snowden environ tapant action qui lui a fait choqué US .
Pendant les 30 jours depuis le 10 Décembre 2012 jusqu'à Janvier 8 2013, 70,3 millions aux États-Unis surveiller les conversations téléphoniques en France.
«Le gouvernement français a demandé aux Etats-Unis pour fournir des explications détaillées sur tout ce manque, " at-il dit .
Pour le quotidien français Le Monde, Snowden a déclaré que la NSA enregistrer automatiquement les conversations téléphoniques de certains numéros en France.
Non seulement les appels téléphoniques, la NSA enregistre également une communication écrite par SMS.
Spécial aux communications écrites, la NSA en utilisant la méthode de mots clés. NSA va enregistrer immédiatement tous les SMS qui contiennent ces mots clés.
" NSA a donné le code US985D pour l' action de tambourinement de la sorte », a déclaré le journal publié chaque après-midi , citant Snowden .
Massive écoutes téléphoniques , il est devenu évident que la NSA n'est pas seulement cibler des personnes qu'ils soupçonnent d'être un terroriste, mais aussi d'autres , à savoir les hommes d'affaires , des politiciens et des leaders communautaires .
Il est dit que les opérations américaines - 985D n'est pas seulement pratiqué en France. Deux autres alliés des États-Unis n'ont pas été épargnés par les mesures d' écoutes , à savoir l'anglais et l'allemand.
Mais il n'est pas clair si l'opération américaine était toujours en cours - 985D . Alors que les diplomates de l'UE immédiatement prévu une réunion pour discuter de l'écoute électronique aux États-Unis .
Hier, ils programment un vote lié aux lois de protection des données sont nouveaux.
Il est écrit que violer la vie privée des autres pays , y compris les alliés , constitue un acte illégal. La conséquence est une amende énorme .
Merci d'avoir lu cet article. Rédigé et publié par Bambang Sunarno.
nom: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 26 Octobre 2013 à 14h40

Code : 5QD4NVF3YWCZ .
Tag : Appuyant aussi la France aux États-Unis.

Friday 25 October 2013

The most bizarre currency.

Money from sheets of wood ( Germany ).
Money from sheets of wood ( Germany ).

Been used as emergency money in Germany during the recovery after World War I. Because of the emergency , the money is also of aluminum foil printed , silk fabric , playing cards and even remnants of war . A collector would be willing to pay dearly for this strange money - money , which is the most expensive stone that is printed so the coins in the future .

Money penalty of death (American , when it was colonized by Britain).
Money penalty of death (American , when it was colonized by Britain).

U.S. Dollar has become the most stable currency and is considered a safe haven currency . If seen from history , these currencies have experienced a lot in the fight against counterfeiters . In the early days of British rule , it is easy to make money because many of the printing press money in circulation and mold design is not too complicated as it is now .
But it was so easy , counterfeiters can also print your own . How does the government was to give a serious warning to counterfeiters ? By printing " To Counterfeit is Death " or the death penalty for counterfeiting . Looks like instead of " In God We Trust " is more suited " In The Death Penalty We Trust " .
If you remember , in the era of 90s down in our state paper money also still includes the threat .

Cash collection voucher (Vietnam).
Cash collection voucher (Vietnam).

If we ever think that money can buy everything, it is not . Vietnam in the 70s money serves as a collection of pieces that vouchers can only be used to buy clothing and equipment .
Maybe if we had to cut one piece to pay for clothes , partly to pay for pants , and partly to a belt .

Currencies of commodity-shaped.
Currencies of commodity-shaped.
Salt is one of the oldest items are used as payment . Actually , the word " salary " ( salary ) comes from the Latin " salarium " is money that has been paid to Roman soldiers to buy salt .
Salt is also used as a medium of exchange (currency ) major in the Sahara desert for centuries , and is used extensively throughout East Africa . Typically , someone at that time would lick a salt block to ensure that the original salt and decided to make a fraction of the blocks as small denominations .

Beam salts in figure 1500 years old.
Unique currency is :
* " Fried" , money -shaped ball of yarn wrapped in coconut fiber . Used in ancient times Kepuluan Solomon .
* Cocoa is used throughout Mexico and Central America
* Cheese Parmigiano Reggiano , can even be used as collateral for loans in Italy

Largest denomination (Hungary).
Largest denomination (Hungary).

This is the fractional currency until the current record holder . Printed by Hungary in 1946 with a nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo . Yes ! One hundred million trillion Pengo with the current exchange rate is only about 20 U.S. cents . See, until the number of zeros was not possible in print.

Modification Money because the coup (Zaire).
Modification Money because the coup (Zaire).

When the regime of Joseph Mobutu's coup in 1997 in Zaire (now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo ) The new government was too busy to design and print new money in addition to the limited amount of money at the time anyway

Squirrel Skin (Russia).
Squirrel Skin (Russia).

In a few centuries ago , skins squirrels are legitimate money used in Russia . Even some parts of the dead squirrel as ear , nose , and nails serve as a " dime " . The possibility that Russia could be free from diseases transmitted wildlife .

Silver coins plus bonus holy water (Palau Islands).
Silver coins plus bonus holy water (Palau Islands).

If the paper money of USD is "In God We Trust " , an archipelago Palau step further . This country in 2007 scored a silver coin with a picture of the holy virgin and includes a bonus vial containing a few drops of holy water from a sacred spring in Lourdes France .
The country also include pearls , and even meteorites on coin money . Silver and holy water .

Money from the rock (Island of Yap , Solomon Islands).
Money from the rock (Island of Yap , Solomon Islands).

On the island of Yap , an island in the Solomon Islands , you will find " money " in the world's biggest and weirdest : rai stone ( a kind of limestone ) . Money is a circle with a diameter of 12 feet and a weight of 8 tons .
Either history or beliefs that cause people on the island of Yap is very download - it sacred stone , probably the same as modern society greatly magnify gold stone .
Because this type of stone could not be found on the island of Yap , Yap Island people are willing to sacrifice their lives for the adventure to find the stone .
Nominal value of the stones was assessed not only by size , but also judged by the sacrifice bring to the island of Yap , including the number of lives lost because of these sacrifices .
Because of the shape , this money was left lying outside the house owner , sometimes even in the forest . Although lying on the go , people certainly know who the current owner . In the event of change of ownership , will be done in certain ceremonies .
Of course the earlier times . Local authorities have banned stones this money out of the island . But at least can find antique money in the lobby of the Bank of Canada in Ottawa .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 25, 2013 at 21.01
Code : 5QD4NVF3YWCZ .
Tag : The most bizarre currency.