Monday, 9 September 2013

Local Proud, Can Appreciation Global.

Local Proud, Can Appreciation Global.

Implementation of Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC) yesterday (7/9) officially marked the start of Banyuwangi Festival 2013.
The Legend of Kebo-keboan theme last was so successful that a separate identity for the BEC 2013 and distinguishes it from similar carnival contests that are currently emerging in Indonesia.
The pride of the local theme was also steal attention of visitors. Local communities, domestic travelers to foreign tourists applauded appreciation.
Emphasizes local culture in BEC is actually not the first time. Last year was also the theme of the local BEC Using Re_Barong.
In the implementation of this year, kebo-inspired keboan Alasmalang village and village tradition Aliyan was able to be presented well.
Presentation mingle with modern nuances in costumes worn by the models.
Banyuwangi regency commitment in highlighting the local culture is also seen in the musical accompaniment.
They wear ethnic music Banyuwangi is arranged to be more fresh. Local talent and original choreographer ground last was deployed to distinctive music mix Banyuwangi.
Banyuwangi regent Abdullah Anas Anwar does have its own mission of this policy.
He wanted to provide an opportunity for local artists and culture to show its teeth.
To further strengthen the traditional oriental, BEC 2013 not wear costumes and movements that exploit the body.

 Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC)
"Performances Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival culture is a form of investment that we dedicate to the younger generation, especially so that they get to know and love their own culture," said Regent Anas.
"The economic impact of an event like this there must be, but more importantly its cultural impact," she added.
BEC3 yesterday dance begins with offerings devoted to the creation of 300 elementary school students, junior high and high over the Earth Blambangan origin.
Next turn to 12 students from 12 countries who receive a scholarship of art and culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs motorcade Aviation Safety Technical Academy students (ATKP) Banyuwangi who greeted the audience.
Furthermore kebo-keboan march from the village of Alasmalang and Desliyan present in front of an audience. After the line-keboan kebo original, 150 participants BEC 3 of category kebo geni, kebo Tirto wind and earth kebo appear.
Predominantly with costume red and orange (kebo geni), and chocolate (kebo earth), these talents featuring choreography and facial expressions so well with the accompaniment of music performed live.
The event was followed by the appearance of 50 participants who were best performance BEC 2.
The event was followed by the appearance of 50 participants who were best performance BEC 2.
One of the spectators of Surabaya was deeply impressed with the performance of the participants of the BEC.
According to him by displaying the local culture, BEC even more alluring.
"We are not only treated to show off costumes, but also invited the public to know the culture and traditions of Banyuwangi," he said.
Appreciation is also given high Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar is given the opportunity to open the show.
According to him the events organized by Banyuwangi would be a real force supporting the national economy.
"Hard work is certainly going to boost tourism and suck sektro international visitors to enjoy the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia," he explained.
The number of domestic tourists who visit Banyuwangi until September of this year has reached 30 thousand people. While foreign tourists reached 14 thousand people so far this month.
That number will continue to increase along with a variety of events in Banyuwangi Festival held until December 2013.
After this series of events Banyuwangi Banyuwangi Festival continues to Batik Festival, International Banyuwangi Tour de Ijen, Banyuwangi Beach Jazz Festival, Paju Festival gandrung Sewu and rainbow.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 09, 2013 at 11:13
code: 5QD4NVF3YWCZ.
Tag : Local Proud, Can Appreciation Global.

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