This is the description of the management is able to support the national economy.
Upstream oil and gas industry (oil ) are the backbone of the state economy each year on average accounts for about 30 percent of state revenues , but there are many who do not understand about this strategic sector .
Oil and gas industry generally do five phases of activity , namely exploration , production , processing , transportation and marketing .
Five main activities can be divided into two , namely upstream ( upstream ) and downstream (downstream ) .
Upstream oil and gas business activities are the exploration and production activities, while the activities of downstream processing, transport and marketing.
Upstream activities consist of exploration and production activities , exploration includes geological studies , geophysical studies , seismic surveys and exploration drilling , is the early stage of the entire upstream oil and gas business activities .
The activity aims to find new reserves , exploration results found if sufficient gas reserves to be developed economically , exploration activities will continue with production activities .
Oil and gas production activities is lifted to the surface of the earth . Oil and gas will flow into the well , then raised to the surface through tubing ( pipe duct in pairs perpendicular ) .
In the new production wells , the removal process can take advantage of the natural pressure , without tools .
But when the formation pressure is not able to pump oil to the surface , then the required artificial lift methods .
Oil and gas that have been raised will be channeled towards sparator ( oil separators , gas and water ) through a duct pipe .
Sparator will separate the oil (liquid ) and gas . Liquid will then be supplied to the collection tank , while the gas will be piped to further utilized or burned , depending on the volume of gas , the price of gas and the distance to the gas consumers .
Series of complex activities.
Exploration and production activities in the upstream oil and gas industry activities include a series of complex and long term .Surely sector activity was regulated by special regulations . In the management of upstream oil and gas , Indonesia developed a model production sharing contracts ( production sharing contract ) or the same contract .
With this model the state retained control over the management of natural resources of oil and gas .
There are some characters cooperation contract .
First , the production activities carried out only after the commercial assessed
by the government .
To get government approval , the operator must demonstrate
work plan and budget required .
Second , mineral ownership in the hands of the government to the point
submission .
All oil and gas are owned by the government, to the point of sale .
After that , the new contractor has the right to a portion of the production ,
according the amount set out in the contract .
Third , management operations are in the hands of Special Implementation Task
Force Upstream Oil and Gas ( Migas SKK ) which is state agencies
set up specifically to carry out surveillance and control of upstream
oil and gas business activities .
Planning a budget and work program contractor must obtain approval from SKK Migas , as a representative of the government .
Oil SKK approve the work plan and budget ( work program and budget or known as the WP & B ) , the cost and also the method used technik .
In cooperation contract , the contractor shall provide the initial funding KKS to finance the exploration phase . If successful finding oil and gas reserves are quite economical , then the government will reimburse all costs , but the replacement cost of the operation is given only after the oil or gas produced .
PSC will receive a share in the form of a number of volumes of oil or gas
(in kind). Most of the results submitted to the state oil and gas production .
Based on Law Number 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas , part of the state for petroleum by 85 percent , the remaining contractors .
For gas, the government has increased 70 percent, while the contractor received 30 percent. Upstream oil and gas business is a state project .
Therefore , it should all support the upstream oil and gas industry . " But not in corruption "
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 14, 2013 at 12:07

Tag : Oil and gas interests.
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