Friday, 6 September 2013

Oldest mosques in Indonesia.

Oldest mosques in Indonesia , all of these mosques are built in our country , Indonesia . Even some of these mosques around 700-400 years old.

Masjid Saka Tunggal (1288 ).

Saka single mosque is located in the Village District Cikakak Wangon built in 1288 as engraved in the Guru Saka ( Main Pillars ) mosque . But in making this mosque is more clearly written in the books left by the founders of this mosque is Kyai Mustolih . But these books have been lost many years ago . Every 27th rajab pilgrimage held at the mosque and tomb of Kyai Jaro Mustolih cleaning . The mosque is located ± 30 km from the town of Navan . Called single saka for building poles used to form only one pole ( single ) . Which according bp . Sopani one mosque is that the single pillar symbolizing that GOD is only one GOD Almighty . In some places there are forests of pine and other forest inhabited by hundreds of tame and friendly monkeys , such as in Bali Sangeh .

Wapauwe Mosque ( 1414 ).

The mosque is still well maintained . Most of the original building are also stored some heritage objects such as drums , handwritten Qur'an ' , the nature of the rock scale that weighs 2.5 kg, and metal ornaments and read Arabic letters on the wall. The mosque is also still serves as a place of prayer around the population .
If the drum or drum beaten , then his voice will be heard throughout the village , inviting people to come to the mosque for congregation .
The Holy Koran in the mosque 's handwriting was on display at the Festival Istiqlal in Jakarta . Some of the new additions is a wudlu , carpet , fan and power for lighting .

Ampel Mosque ( 1421 ).

Ampel Mosque is an ancient mosque is located in the northern part of the city of Surabaya , East Java . This mosque was founded by Sunan Ampel , there are complex and the nearby tomb of Sunan Ampel .
Currently Ampel Mosque is one of the religious tourism destination in Surabaya . The mosque is surrounded by Chinese and Arabic architecture building .
On the left side of the page Ampel Mosque , there is a well that is believed to be auspicious wells , typically used by those who believe in it to the amplifier promise or oath .

Great Mosque of Demak ( 1474 ).

Demak Great Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. The mosque is located in the village of Kauman , Demak , Central Java . The mosque is believed to have a gathering place for scholars ( guardian ) propagator of Islam , also called Walisongo , to discuss the spread of Islam in Java in particular and Indonesia in general . Founder of this mosque is estimated Raden Patah , the first king of the Sultanate of Demak , in about the 15th century BC .
This mosque has a main buildings and porches . The main building has four main pillars called Saka Guru . The pole is said to have originated from fragments of wood , so called ' saka chips ' building foyer is an open building . Pyramid -shaped roof supported by eight pillars were called Saka Majapahit .
On the location of the Great Mosque of Demak complex , there are several tombs of the kings of the Sultanate of Demak and his servants . There is also a museum , which contains various things about the history of the founding of the Great Mosque of Demak .

Suriansyah Sultan Mosque ( 1526 ).

Suriansyah Sultan Mosque is a historical mosque is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan . This mosque was built during the reign of Tuan Guru (1526-1550) , King of the Banjar first convert to Islam .
The mosque is located in the northern District Health , North Banjarmasin , Banjarmasin , the area known as the capital of the Sultanate of Banjar Banjar Lama for the first time. Architecture and construction phases overlap roof , a traditional style mosque banjo . Banjar traditional style mosque , mihrab has its own separate roof to the main building . The mosque is built on the banks of the river in the District Health .

Holy Mosque Tower ( 1549 ).

Tower of the Holy Mosque (also known as the Al -Aqsa Mosque and Masjid Al Manar ) is a mosque built by Sunan Kudus in 1549 BC or in 956 Hijra , using stone from the Baitul Maqdis of Palestine as the first stone and located in the village of Kauman , Sub City , Kudus , Central Java . The mosque is uniquely shaped , because it has a similar tower building of the temple . This mosque is a blend of Islamic culture with Hindu culture .

Great Mosque of Banten (1552-1570).

Great Mosque of Banten including old mosque full of historical value . Every day the mosque is visited by many pilgrims who come not only from Banten and West Java , but also from the various regions in Java .
Great Mosque of Banten is located in the compound of the mosque in the village of Banten Lama , about 10 miles north of Serang . This mosque was first built by Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1552-1570) , the first sultan of the Sultanate of Demak . He is the first son of Sunan Gunung Jati .
One of the peculiarities of this mosque is visible from the roof of the main building is a pile of five , like a Chinese pagoda . This is the work of Chinese architecture named Nan Tjek Tjut . Two cloisters were built later to be complementary in the north and south side of the main building .
In this mosque there is also a tomb complex offerings sultans and their families . That is the tomb of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin and his wife , Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa , and Sultan Abu Nasir Abdul Qohhar . While on the north side of the south porch there is the tomb of Sultan Maulana Muhammad and Sultan Zainul Abidin , and others .
Great Mosque of Banten also has an additional pavilion located on the south side of the building core of the grand mosque . This two-storey pavilion called Tiyamah . Rectangular architectural style of ancient Dutch . The building was designed by a Dutch architect named Hendick Lucasz Cardeel . Normally , events such as meetings , and Islamic studies done here .
Tower that is characteristic of a mosque also owned the Great Mosque of Banten . Located in the east of the mosque , the tower is made ​​of brick with a height of approximately 24 meters , bottom diameter of approximately 10 meters . To reach the end of the tower , there are 83 pieces to ditapaki stairs and through the hallway that can only be passed by a single person . From the top of the tower , visitors can see the sights around the mosque and offshore waters , as the distance between the towers by the sea is only about 1.5 km .
Previously , in addition to use as tempang public call to prayer , which was also created by the tower Hendick Cardeel Lucasz was used as a weapons store .

Mantingan Mosque ( 1559 ).

Mantingan Mosque is an ancient mosque in the village of Mantingan , District Annual , Jepara , Central Java . This mosque was established in the Sultanate of Demak was reported in 1559 . Founded by high floor tiles covered with homemade Chinese , as well as train - undakannya . All imported from Macao . Building rooftops styles including china . Outer and inner walls are decorated with blue pictorial pottery plate , being the wall next to the priest and the priest was adorned with square pictorial reliefs of wildlife , and dancer dancers carved in stone amber . Supervision of construction of this mosque is none other than Mo Han Liem Bapah . In the complex there is the tomb of Sultan mosque Hadlirin , the husband of Queen Kanjeng Kalinyamat and sister -in-law Sultan Trenggono , the last ruler of Demak . There was also the tomb of Mbah Waliullah Abdul Jalil , known as another name Sheikh Siti jenar .

Masjid Al - Hilal Katangka ( 1603 ).

This mosque was built in 1603 AD during the reign of Taja Gowa - 24 , I - Daeng Manga'ragi Manrabbiakaraeng Lakiung , Sultan Alauddin . Then in 1605 m , this mosque is really changed to be named Masjid Katangka . Masjid structure measuring 14.1 x 14.4 meters and an additional building 4.1 x 14.4 meters . Building is 11.9 meters high and 90 meters tebel walls , raw material of brick with a tiled roof and floor porcelain . Locations in Katangka , Gowa .

Palopo Old Mosque ( 1604 ).

Madjid Old Palopo , founded by King Luwu named Sultan Abdullah Matinroe m in 1604 , the mosque has an area of ​​15 m2 is named Parent , because old age . While Palopo name is taken from the words in Bugis and Luwu has two meanings , namely : First , confectionary made ​​from a mixture of glutinous rice and sugar water . Second , put pegs in holes pole buildings . Both meanings have a relationship with an old mosque building process Palopo this .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 6, 2013 at 15:28
Tag : Oldest mosques in Indonesia.

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