Stood thousands of years ago , the Kaaba continues to attract thousands of Muslims pray to Mecca . Unlike the usual lunch at Mecca , the sun reaches 40 ° Celsius . But the scorching sun did not disturb thousands of people from various racial , ethnic , and skin color .
Thousands of people clad in white cloth , move like the waves of the sea , with a circular motion to form a vortex . It keeps rolling motion , circling the black cube building point thousands of years old . That is the sacred building , the history of the prophets witness , and a symbol of majesty creator : the Kaaba .
Among the thousands of people earlier , Michael Wolfe , a poet , author , and film producer from California converts U.S. . It was the second time he was performing a ritual pilgrimage to Mecca . At that time, as well as documenting his journey Wolfe .
" For Muslims , visited the Kaaba was like coming home. When you get to Mecca, there is a feeling that involves a human heart , as if you 're back , " said Wolfe. According to him, the Kaaba as a central point at the time of Hajj rituals, symbolizing the unity of God symbol .
By walking around the Kaaba , Muslims express the spirit to put God at the center of the vortex of life . And whoever is in front of the Kaaba , Wolfe said , will feel peace in his heart . Wolfe felt what seemed to be felt by the other pilgrims .
A national media entrepreneur , Mario Alisjahbana , for example, wrote in a note pilgrimage in Madina magazine , said something similar . He found a happy experience when conducting worship tawaf, sa'i , and pray in front of the Kaaba.
" Surrender and happiness overwhelmed me , really made me be patient and peaceful, " said Mario .
The influence of the Kaaba worshipers perform rituals in the middle there , indeed mysterious . In fact , not a few of the pilgrims , who unknowingly tears when he saw the Kaaba .
Muslims believe the Kaaba was a place of worship first stand on earth . It is enshrined in the Qur'an Surah Al Imran 96 , "Verily, the first house built for the ( place of worship ) man , is Baitullah at Bakkah ( Mecca ) blessed and a guidance for all mankind . "
A story of pre - Islamic Kaaba was founded by Adam said to worship God . However , a history of tradition from Ali bin Hussain , said that the Ka'bah established the presence of the angels before Adam on earth . Angel when it was ordered to build the Kaaba as a form Baitul Makmur , places of worship which are in heaven in the sky to - 7 .
But , as time went on , the Kaaba great flood swept away when the times of Noah. Kaaba was rebuilt by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail , whose story is written in the Qur'an ( Surat al - Hajj : 26 ) . Since the Prophet Abraham , Ka'bah used for the pilgrimage .
After developing into the Kaaba in Mecca pilgrimage by people from various countries of the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. Therefore, after the death of Prophet Ibrahim, running the management contested the Kaaba several times, and even several times Kaaba undergoing renovation and development.
From their physical appearance , the Kaaba shrine is not adopting advanced design and architecture . The shape is simple , as the name implies ( Ka'bah means cube ) with a length - width - height : 13.16 m X 11.53 m X 12.03 m . Inside was a room measuring about 10 X 8 square meters , with two pillars towering to the ceiling .
In the pre- Islamic era , it is used to save space idols for the past ritual . After the conquest of Mecca by the Prophet Muhammad , the statue was destroyed and hundreds of pictures on the wall of the Kaaba is also deleted . The corners of the Kaaba leads to the four winds, the position of Hajar Aswad stone stuck in its eastern corner .
Black Stone is one of the essential elements of the Kaaba . As exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad , pilgrims usually kiss the stone on the sidelines of tawaf . The stones began to be installed in the Kaaba since Ibrahim Ismail ordered to look for a stone to be installed in one of the openings in the building the Kaaba .
But after all this time looking for the stone Ismail , Ibrahim finally get this rock from the Angel Gabriel . Black stone shining for a long time to invite debate . According to the hadith narrated by At -Tirmidhi , the black stone is a stone that comes from Heaven , which was brought by Prophet Adam to earth . Initially , the hadith says , the stone was white . But as it absorbs the sins of man on earth , the rocks change color to black .
Most Muslims believe this stone is a meteorite from outer space . However , this hypothesis has not been proven true . Some are calling it a basalt stone , agate stone ( agate ) , or natural glass .
Is Paul Partsch , the curator jewelry collection Austro- Hungarian Empire , which was first predicted the Black Stone as a meteorite , in 1857 . However , based on physical characteristics , Robert Dietz and John McHonde concluded Black Stone is actually agate , in 1974 .
Lastly, the historians say the Black Stone is a stone that can float on water . If true , it means that the Black Stone is a pumice stone or glass . In 1980 , Elsebeth Thomsen of the University of Copenhagen offers a new hypothesis .
According to him , the Black Stone is a fragment of the shattered glass caused meteor that fell in Wabar , a place in the desert of Rub ' al Khali , 1000 km to the east of Mecca . Meteor is expected to fall in 6000 last year . However, this hypothesis has not yet certain truth .
In 1977 the Egyptian scientist Dr. Husain Kamaluddin publish scientific findings that Mecca is the center of the earth . Assisted by Mathematics expert from the University of Asyut , Dr. Muhammad Al - Shafi'i ' Abd Al - Latif , Husain did years of research involves many mathematical tables and computer program .
Discovery that he get accidentally . "Initially, this study aims to find a tool that can help everyone to know and determine the direction of Qibla , " said Husain , quoted from the book ' Secrets of the Kaaba Qibla World ' , written by Muhammad Abdul Hamid and Muhammad ash- Syarqawi Raja'l Ath -Thahlawi.
Husain prepare the map contains images of continents . It turned out he was getting Mecca was in the middle of the world map . He found that the Earth's land surface spread of Mecca as the center of the very regular .
Do not believe the findings , he repeated the experiment many times , even when he test them back to ancient maps before the formation of the United States and Australia . But the result is the same , Mecca remains a central earth , including at the beginning of the spread of Islam. Of course proving Husain controversy . Some believe , others do not believe the findings .
Another interesting thing about the Kaaba expressed by Agus Mustafa in his book , Vortex Energy Kaaba . According to Agus , why a Muslim prayers were answered faster when he was in front of the Ka'bah or Multazam , it is no scientific explanation .
Agus thrusting Lorentz force law or also known as the right-hand rule . The law says that the conductor electrified circular counter-clockwise , will produce a magnetic field that leads to the top .
Therefore , Agus said , when the oceans human body containing bioelektron circling the Kaaba counter-clockwise while chanting Talbiyah sentences , then it will throw such a large magnetic field toward the sky .
For a devout Muslim , of course, the scientific evidence for the reasons that underlie their worship , not too important . True or not the claim that Mecca is the center of the movement of the Earth , which is obviously Mecca has always been a magnet for Muslims all over the world .
Muslim leaders advocate the rights blacks United States , ElHajj Malik El - Shabazz , better known as Malcom X , was so fascinated by the spirit of unity that occurred during the pilgrimage that followed .
His experience there changed his racist views so far . Then in immortalized her in a letter to a friend in the United States. " Here , there are tens of thousands of pilgrims , who come from all over the world . They come from a variety of colors , from blue-eyed , blonde , to black Africa . But we all do the same ritual , showing the spirit of togetherness and brotherhood , which so far , based on experience in America , I guess it was never there . "
During the eleven days , Malcolm eating and drinking on the plate and the same glass , sleep in the same bed and pray to God that one . " I felt the same sincerity from them . Because of their belief in God had driven all the differences of their minds . "
Islam does not distinguish between race , color , rank and position . Islamic piety only appreciate the value of its adherents. Not only teaches togetherness and unity, the drama that occurred in the Kaaba and Mecca , often inspire or even change a person's outlook and life .
And that , often times make people shed tears of emotion when should return home to their country. Wolfe describes his emotion when leaving the Kaaba and Mecca, with the old adage.
Proverb that reads , " Before you visit , Mecca will always wait for you . When you leave , Mecca will always call you back . Forever . "
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 06, 2013 at 09:47

Tag : Kaaba.