My legs are really want to move . My heart has longed to touch new things . My eyes have missed the natural coolness . Been a long time I did not seem to feel the wind bites my bones , foliage touched my heart . I really miss the quiet of nature . I've been struggling with agency reports that the pile . I need to breathe . Nature is my breath .
I decided to turn this moment of fatigue . I started to move their computer mouse in front of me and looking for tourist information of interest . I glued on a trip to Baduy open held by a backpacker community . Demand is quite a lot , there were two groups that hold a trip to Baduy in this community for the same dates . After seeing the schedule I immediately signed up to join one of the group trip .
I kind of wonder why so many people are interested to visit the Baduy in Banten 's interior . This is not a trip to have fun with the beauty of the stunning beaches or climbing a mountain with the lure of untold beauty after the achievement of the summit. It's a trip into the jungle not far from Jakarta .
This is a different journey for me . During this journey I often do is climb the mountain tops or high nan stuffed exquisite islands . This time a meaningful journey will touch the hearts of the establishment and a love of culture and tradition . Into rural Bedouin like entering another world with a touch of friendliness of its people and its natural softness .
This trip is a trip to the potluck fund . There will be no padded seats , there would be no cool air to ward off the heat of the afternoon sun . This journey begins with economy class transportation and inexpensive breakfast at the curb in front of the station .
I went with a somber spirit penetrate morning towards Tanah Abang station where we were meeting . During a trip to Tanah Abang Station , I was very curious and can not wait to meet new people who will become my new friend for an overnight stay on the roof of the earth Baduy . It is also the first time I did , traveling with strangers . I do not know for sure that the spirit of the coming surge in the chest where . All I know for sure I felt my soul was so enthusiastic nature cupped . Is looming natural dibenakku with shady trees and Baduy people like what I see in the photos of the blogger trip .
I took time to eat breakfast at the edge of Tanah Abang Station . The breakfast will be the energy for me until noon when arrived at Ciboleger . Pretty cheap for a satisfying breakfast that. I got up and jogged into the station when it was showed glanced at my watch at 07.30 . Of course I was afraid to miss the train . It's not funny when it missed the train already in the station , is not it?
I straight looked around the waiting room , so early too many people passing in the room was so obscured my view towards my new friends . I passed the hordes of people who I guess is not part of gerombolanku . I look for a figure who became the team leader in our party . Two days before leaving we had become acquainted while meeting each other in Angkringan Jewel . Fafa as the originator of this trip who suggested the meeting . Not everything comes so easy I memingat some people . I'm looking for the face of the figure and finally I found them to be in the corner of the waiting room at the station , sit around and clamped each backpack .
It's almost all coming , their faces are still foreign to me . Fafa who are ready to hand the paper to check the presence of the participants . We still sit in a circle and spontaneously become acquainted . It's fair be acquainted with a friend who will one roof with me tonight . This introduction opens a new family for me , after their introduction was certainly not a stranger anymore . Not so hard to make us warm conversation. All very quickly blend. This is certainly a very pleasant start.
At 7:50 we were queuing to enter the train cars costing two thousand dollars economy is headed Rangkas Bitung . People crowded into the carriage door and scramble seats are limited . Smoke cigarettes and junk food strewn throughout the car . We tried to get a seat to simply saving energy for the journey is still long .
I'm grateful to still get a seat next to a mother with young children who hugged her mother tightly . In front of me a few fathers with cigarette smoke is billowing . Aduuhh .. why the father is so cool with his cigarette smoke around the car regardless of the increasingly stuffy and hot , plus the smell of cigarette smoke nauseating odors and other tough I described . It's very oppressive , I tried to hold my nose with a tissue , but the smell was still penetrate tissue in my hands . A friend of mine is very creative . He bought a citrus fruit from a very busy sellers hawking wares passing along this rail corridor . Oranges are bought not be eaten because it also has no undescribed . He taught me to smell the orange peel it all the way to eliminate odors inhaled . Of course it is fairly effective , I smell the aroma of orange peel. Very helpful , I thought.
I tried to lean back against the seat back is actually trains hard and far from comfortable, but still can not. The hustle and bustle of the traders was very deafening and father beside me kept talking to me . From him we asked how he was going to use the train every day during activity , where he lived , about his family and his hometown . He was so proud to tell you all that.
Almost three hours , we arrived at the station Rangkas Bitung . Before we get down Fafa already from earlier warned to take things not to get left behind and wake up a few friends who are still asleep . Huuaahh .. finally breathe fresh air , too, cried when the right foot off the crowded carriage . Weeww .. I was impressed and still for a moment staring at it and then re- train transporting passengers .
Passengers are very diverse . Most local residents with a super besar.Mungkin luggage or merchandise purchases . At first glance I thought of when I was young , when I first took the train from Medan to Siantar . Today was a memorable day for me and very memorable . Father accidentally took us back to the train when the Medan use . He wanted to surprise me and he may also want to see a smile lebarku when iron was amazed to see the snake speeding. Although the economy is enough to make me happy when it's not abysmal . Many food vendors around the carriage , just like this coupled with the scent smells mixed unclear . Along the way I do not want to miss a moment of sleep during the trip . I stood on the seat and staring at a row of derelict houses we passed . Here is like that , a row of derelict houses also became melancholy scenery along this journey . Is rail identical houses side by side with slums ? The question was hovering in my mind .
Our journey does not end Rangkas Station Bitung . After queuing for the toilet to perform ' call of nature ' , we immediately rushed to get to use the car Ciboleger elves that have been booked by Fafa . Ciboleger is a village in the Banten which became one of the gates into the earth Baduy . Because we were fairly crowded then enough for two cars to stretch our legs , which had been bent in the crowded train without any space at all . . Up - to - toe was difficult and confused placed where .. hahaa ..
Elf fast moving car . Might be faster than the bus or metromini kopaja passing in Jakarta . yeah .. of course , this elf car drove without significant obstacles in front of him . Transverse smooth roads without end . Occasional car plunged through the streets like a hollow . Me and a friend chose to sit next to the driver 's brother .
Kumiringkan brother's head and glanced at the driver who seriously look ahead . Tall with jet black skin is exposed to the sun every day . When stopped at a gas station , he talked to his friend with the language Coarse . Gaze and frightening rather creepy to me so I was reluctant to speak to him . But somewhere along the way he began to open up the conversation . In person, friendly , speak my mind . Yeah..inappropriate to judge a person from the outside physical appearance right.
Welcome monument in the village have welcomed us Ciboleger . One by one down from the elves . Arm and slapped our faces directly by the sun is directly above our heads . We rushed to the stalls which were in one corner . We take a break here before continuing the journey . This time instead of taking the train or car ride elf again . We would walk down the hills , through the villages towards the village of Cikeusik . One of the Baduy villages bermukimnya In .
Lunch at this stall a culinary menu is simple but tasty and filling . Somehow the mother mengulek stalls sambelnya be so fresh and tasty . The following sambelnya vegetables and side dishes we 've run out assault . Maybe mom will stall quickly shut her stall today, the sales target is reached , my friend said knowingly.
At half-past two in the afternoon we set out to embark on a journey that will surely draining it . Due to travel more than five hours up and down the hill so we took each of the two bottles of mineral water each 1.5 liter . Mineral water and then joined a change of clothes and groceries in the backpack . Weight of course , but we did not feel amid laughter and fiercely .
Upon entering the earth Baduy entrance , we passed several villages dimukim by Outer Baduy people . Sapri , a Baduy who will accompany us along this journey and at the same time pointing the way for us . Rather short smallish white skin wrapped with soft brown eyes and a fresh welcome us . He smiled as if to say welcome to the land of his birth .
together Sapri
He's still very young , only 16 years old. But he is used to traveling so far almost every day . She wore a white dress and white subordinates with a white headband pinned around the head . He does not wear shoes and a small bag that knows what it is .
Sapri quickly once hung out with us . He was so friendly and with a straightforward telling of things about this village . She was so excited when he tells his exploration to the entire Jakarta . And even more surprising than their surrounding Jakarta on foot . I was shocked and in disbelief , how could travel from Jakarta to the Baduy In and barefoot . Have imagined such a long journey and touch your feet on asphalt road rage, it could be foot blisters . I am amazed at them . They were incredible.
Sapri also tells about his family and invited us to stop by his house later . He wanted to introduce us to her father , she said . Sapri can also be an impromptu porter to carry bags of visitors are already exhausted . And salutnya again , when our blood sweat and falling mineral water is almost gone , Sapri still so fresh without meaning and without sweat drink as much water as we drink . He was very relaxed when we asked to pause and draw breath pick lost energy . He just smiled at us. We may be embarrassed by this , we are already limp without a backpack load on the shoulders , while he was still so fresh with a backpack depending on the shoulders and chest . Wah .. wah ... wah , this should not be happening , I thought. I raised my backpack on my back and I wiped the sweat who had been dripping all over my body . I stood up and asked her to continue the journey .
" Why are they called Outer Baduy ? , " I asked in a father who sits next to me when we were resting in front of the home of a Bedouin citizens . The house is located in the Outer Baduy village . His house is made of bamboo , the floor and walls , everything from bamboo and wood . His house was simple but clean and comfortable . The roof of his house so very shady palm fiber are below .
Baduy home
" At first , all is Baduy Baduy Dalam, they violate the rules and traditions of the Baduy Dalam, some did want to get out of Baduy In ," the father of the story . He said , Baduy closed to technological developments . They really maintain ancestral culture that does not accept external developments . Even electricity and education for their children are also starting to enter their village . Village government had to persuade them , but they still refused .
Traditions that bind them , but not all felt confined . Only some people are violated and forced out of the Baduy Dalam. In appearance , the difference Outer Baduy Baduy In a very clear and visible . Baduy In just wear it with white or black or white , no other colors . And they are not allowed to use any footwear that trip so far . Even more astonishing, Baduy also refused to board the vehicle when traveling . So we can imagine how they travel using bare feet to wade through the streets paved and the city of Jakarta .
Therefore it is also not all citizens are able to Baduy go to Jakarta , they prefer to stay around the village and Outer Baduy Baduy In . What's more women , none of the women could travel to Jakarta . Chose to settle in the village alone . So, not surprisingly , only a few of the Baduy people who understand Indonesian . I do not find women who understand Indonesian .
Foreign tourists are not allowed to touch the area Baduy Dalam. It has become a rule and all the citizens know . Beyond that tourists could only reach the villages around the Outer Baduy . And in the region Baduy In abstains procession photographs . So we just took pictures along the Outer Baduy territory still .
Outer Baduy people already receiving technology development . They settled in several villages in the surrounding villages of Baduy Dalam. They have a lot of clothes such as underwear patterned and society in general . They have also been using footwear and ride vehicles . They also are holding the phone . They are like the public at large without curb tradition . Although separated because of the tradition , the Baduy and Outer Baduy still allied and still maintain good relations between relatives . They live side by side with the harmonization of the differences .
Journey continues, not only the hills and villages that we passed but also some of our rivers to cross . The bridge is made of bamboo collection is structured in such a way that the weight of a passing sturdy cross the river . The bamboo fibers bound with similar spikes and I noticed there was not stuck there . One by one we crossed this river . There is no doubt for us if this bridge will collapse and we plunged into a river .
Natural Baduy Banten
During the long journey , I was talking with a lot of Sapri . My curiosity was so big and explosive. I was with a friend walking also chimed chimed our conversation . The ride was relaxing and full of unique and extraordinary stories of Baduy In making this all the more memorable and tired we did not pay attention.
" The Baduy also got religion , " chirps Sapri . " Our religion is called Sunda Wiwitan and prophet Adam , this is the religion of the fathers" he explained . Maybe for their religion and culture was still an integral and inseparable . They are also the same as Muslims fast , but his fast only once a month and takes place in three consecutive months . After fasting , they also celebrate the feast called Kawaluk .
Middle of the road , we perpapasan with a group of people who carry rice and other berkwintal carrying chickens tied neatly in a timber made penyangka and placed on the shoulder . They run faster than us , maybe that is not too long a trip to withstand heavy loads . They lead to the road to the village of Cikeusik . Sapri said , there will be a wedding in the village . Hearing that , I jumped pleased and hope to see the big event .
Still curious, I ask what are the activities during the party. How to dress the bride. Insistent questions that remain Sapri greeted casually . " The celebration will be conducted over three consecutive days , there are some traditions that do . Done in the field hometown celebration . Everyone will gather and relatives are invited . For the guests who visit there also may participate enliven the event . If Clothes heck , just plain no beading or other accessories that adorn the bride to look more graceful , it's just more new clothes , said Sapri that make us chuckle .
The gray day , the evening twilight . " We have already reached the village before the night is getting dark , " said Sapri . We further speed up the pace because the village is near . After passing the river again , we 've seen houses Baduy Dalam. Here is very dark , no lights illuminate the house , only a small lamp made of kerosene and fuel were in the corner room of the house .
We will stay at home Mr. Herman . He was married and had two sons and daughters . They still look very young . Mr. Herman understand Indonesian , but his wife and children are not . We are so much more chatting with Mr. Herman . He welcomed us so friendly . He and his wife both cook so romantic to entertain us tonight .
Although they are not out there using footwear, their house was very clean and comfortable . Every time you log house shall wash the feet that have been provided in front of the house . There is a pile of bamboo - bamboo wall disenderkan home and its contents clean water . The water can be drunk directly and very fresh . This village is very well protected from pollution of air pollution , water pollution or other pollutants . We are not allowed to use different soap when cleaning themselves in the river or still be around this village . They are maintaining the authenticity and beauty of this village , the village where they live and grow . If it was not them who else will keep the village from all the pollution threat .
I do not want to miss this evening just curl up and sleep . We chatted in front of the house while enjoying moon night . This village would be so lonely without our presence . Children running only about seven in the evening . They ran to and fro without illumination and not afraid of the dark . They are familiar with this dark night . they are definitely a step along the rivers without any piece of footwear . Without fear of their legs would be scratched sharp objects .
Mr. Herman also took time to talk and chat with us . They mostly had an arranged marriage of a minor . They did not resist and run all the traditions wholeheartedly . They really love their culture and traditions . Hospitality and gentleness they are so real .
The night was so cold but not as cold as outside the home . We sleep lined up in this modest house . crickets out there sounds vague . One thing that still remember when we were down to the river cleaned up , there are fireflies floating on the river bank . Body that produces light dark eve like blinking lights adorn the silent night .
I got up early and took a round around this small village . hallmark of a row of houses with neatly formed Baduy corridor as the road . Many Bedouins were relaxing in front of his house while enjoying the cool morning . Children huddle and stare at us that passed in front of their house . Children here white clean and beautiful and handsome . They are shy and run when we approached .
Because of the long journey , we have to clean up before noon to return to the city . Baduy typical headband was tied in each of our heads . Mr. Herman also will come with us and deliver us until we meet elves in Outer Baduy village .
" Tell if you want to Baduy again , " Mr. Herman message . They gladly opened her home and down the hill to greet us. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: Nopember 13, 2013 at 08.12

Tag : Day With Original Tribe Baduy Dalam.