Divine Secrets is an event or fact that could be a phenomenon , giving , penalties and other things that are done by God's mystery creator ( God ) to people without a known cause by the man himself . This understanding may be more acceptable in general .
Generally divided into two divine secret , a secret that is outwardly and inwardly secret (physically and spiritually ) . Both of these secrets can not be known by man except only be understood with clear conscience as divine secrets can not be expressed by means of logic or rational .
Divine secrets of the mind is a mystery that can only be expressed by the human inner sense . For example , the secret of the existence of supernatural beings and the supernatural , the secret about the Day of Judgement , the secret of human life , and so on .
Divine secrets of the birth is a mystery that can only be expressed by an inner sense humans but can be known by the five senses . For example , a woman gave birth to a baby crocodile ( Heavens ) , money suddenly lost ( stolen tuyul ) , the human heartbeat , and so on .
Divine secrets are right again divided into two , namely the absolute secret known only to God alone and secrets shared with humans .
For example when the secret of God's absolute doomsday implementation , how one's life journey , how the form of God , and other things that are very confidential . All this is only known to Allah alone and not notified to humans .
While the shared secret is a secret to man that we can see with the inner sense and reason of birth . For example , the supernatural secrets of God's creation that can be seen by humans and secrets that happen to us are born .
Now we discuss the secrets that are unique to us alone .
Secrets of this type often we get every day , and only we know . For example today we suddenly happy once . So that is the secret of happiness is the only divinely given by God to you just because no one else knows . Other people are not happy because of what you know , because God is close to others so as not to get a peek at our secret .
So what is stored in our brain is a divine secret that is only given to us alone . All the secrets are kept by God in our brain can not be stolen by others , unless you share yourself with others .
Everyone is equipped science respectively . God save and add little by little knowledge into our brains and protect the her with a hard skull that can not be stolen. Because the brain is more expensive than a mountain of gold diamond . No one wants to be exchanged for gold diamond brains if it could .
Science stored in our brain there are two kinds of good science and bad science . Both for life provision . Rewarding good science for good , such as work , helping others , and so on .
Science is not useful either to protect themselves , such as the bad thoughts in our brain will produce signals of the heart that can cause us harm . Anyway any knowledge stored in our brain is useful , if we want to think with a clear heart to know its benefits . If no benefit is impossible God put it in our brains .
But science is not a gift reserved for us alone , although he kept it in our brain , but to share with others for the benefit of the good of others . Share knowledge to others if, in our hearts to give a positive value means the same for others with clear heart that has a bright soul . But them if the could cause a negative impact to others so please do not let doubt convey something to someone else in order not to mislead. Every day got a shipment of human knowledge of God that is stored in our brains and no one else knows . That is the secret divine God gives us every day. It's just that I can convey to the readers . But keep in mind , all the posts above is sourced from my heart and mind who has very limited knowledge of , and may even not necessarily true because truth belongs only to God . If it be true , then I am the righteousness of God .
So please readers filter them again with your conscience is most in , if there is something wrong in my posts please forgive and give alignment through the comments for the benefit of other readers .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 01, 2013 at 19:19

Tag : Divine secrets.