Bilateral meetings between Russia and the United States in Geneva relating to chemical weapons Syria crisis continued to fruition.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed to meet again in New York later this month to set a date for Syria peace conferences that have been long overdue.
The news was revealed quite soothing U.S. Secretary John Kerry told reporters in a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland yesterday (13/9).
The press conference also attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whose country representative for the opposite view of the U.S. in dealing with the Syrian crisis. Also present Lakhdar Brahimi, the Arab League envoy to Syria.
Peace negotiations was first proposed when Kerry visited Moscow earlier this year, but the proposal foundered.
Fighting in Syria is getting fierce, casualties continue to collapse into civil war that has lasted for two years.
Washington and Moscow, said Kerry equally concerned about the number of deaths. Action of the two parties have also made great damage and create more refugees. Humanitarian catastrophe is inevitable, therefore, the U.S. and Russia agreed to implement the peace talks.
The goal is to urge President Bashar Al Assad and the opposition to sit together to find a solution.
If the goal of the peace negotiations, there will be little progress has been achieved.
"But it also depends on the success of today's meeting. Moreover, questions about his future depends on chemical weapons," he said.
For the United States and Russia are not one voice in dealing with the Syrian crisis. US-based in both assume that the Assad regime used chemical weapons against its citizens as a military attack on Syria launches.
Meanwhile, Russia rejects military action cowboy style. State Vladimir Putin believes that the attack on Syria could trigger a wider regional conflict.
Now Kerry and Lavrov consultation enters second day. They will concretize the Russian proposal that Syria should deliver chemical weapons under international control. Syria has agreed to join and sign the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical arm. Vladimir Putin considers that the decision is a step forward in finding a way out of the Syrian crisis.
Meeting of heads of Syria's main ally, China, and Iran in Kyrgyzstan also praised President Assad. But Syrian rebels Assad pessimistic results. Auditor's Independence Army Louay Moqdad Talk to the BBC said, Assad still has a lot of conventional weapons capable of stalling and time with the help of Russia.
In separate places, the UN war crimes investigator accused Assad's troops are targeting a number of government hospitals in the territory of the opposition, but on the other hand there is also evidence that the rebels also attacked a hospital in a number of specific regions. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: September 14, 2013 at 16:02

Tag : Syria conflict.