Competition Divided Two, Four Times Change Chairman.
Football in Surabaya has not shown any signs out of the internal conflict. Though unnoticed three years has been running and the PSSI Surabaya still busy fighting over the role of conflict as well as the most appropriate figure to take care of the football in the City of Heroes.
As a result in the last three years has been four times Surabaya PSSI chairman replacement, which began Cholid Ghoromah that ousted Vishnu Ward, former Chairman of the Parliament Surabaya in 2010, then returned to the office Cholid. Highest final position was taken Gede Widiwade former CEO Persebaya.
War between the interests of the elite are automatically make a football competition Surabaya victims. One of the best competition the country that gave birth to many great players like Sugiantoro Bejo, Budi Sudarsono, Anang ruf, Taufik and it now appears to Andik Firman demoralized.
Conflicts of interest make PSSI competition Surabaya forced split in two.
Performances between the tactics and strategy of the big teams in the field are no longer presented.
It was not due to a total of thirty members of the club are divided in two different championships.
Twenty clubs choose to follow the tournament Ghoromah Cholid version, while the other fifteen clubs enter the competition under the control of the PSSI Surabaya Widiade Gede. He's among the supporters club Gede there are five clubs also participate in competitions Cholid version.
Surabaya public was tired of the chronic dengankonflik.
"Throughout the year, grain only conflict. Surabaya As citizens we only expect one thing. Namely Surabaya football achievements should be larger than that during the conflict inididengar," said Chairman of the Parliament Surabaya M. Mahmud Gede Widiade inauguration as Chairman PengcabPSSI Surabaya.
Hidayat, vice president of the organization PSSI Surabaya Widiademenuturkan Gede, a split that occurred in Surabaya football is an accumulation of several klubanggota disappointment over the status quo for so long that lasts.
"It's very related to each member and selfish sectoral organization. Order not to drag this issue will be closely guarded," he said.
Unfortunately, despite complaining about the sectoral selfish at club level, Hidayat and colleagues showed even the selfish attitude.
The proof of the camp Cholid some clubs who want to register and participate in the competition version Gede rejected outright.
Because the loyalty club Cholid it does not follow that choose Gede Widiade muscablub as PSSI chairman of the Surabaya in late May.
"They were penalized when Muscab ago. Thing can lift the sanctions it is the same forum, or at least have the support of ten members of the club," he explained.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 28, 2013 at 12:04

Tag : Three Years In Conflict Whirls.