Saturday 27 December 2014

Knowing before buying.

Favored perfume.
This recommendation can be your guide before buying or specify what kind of perfume you want according to your taste resilience respectively, and can be useful.

EDC - Eau de Cologne.

This type of fragrance lightest. Its alcohol content is highest and there are only about 5 percent blend of essence, so that the fragrance quickly evaporates. Although relatively mild, cologne still be an option because it has a refreshing scent of the body and hold it up to 2-3 hours. Suitable for use after a bath as body spray and body splash.

EDP - Eau de Perfume.

Fragrance lasting up to 24 hours. This type of fragrance has less alcohol content, while its essence levels ranged 15-22 percent, so the fragrance is strong and durable fit when used at night as when it comes to formal occasions like party.

EDT - Eau de Toilette.

This fragrance type a higher level above the cologne. Its alcohol content is not as high as cologne, with its essence levels of around 12 percent, so that the fragrance is quite durable. This species most sought-after because of a mild aroma, not too sharp, and lasting up to 6-12 hours.

Knowledge About Perfume / Fragrance.

In interacting with others is important for us to ensure that the body does not issue a pleasant aroma. Especially with women, they are very sensitive to scents, and women like men who fragrant as this means the respect of the man himself. Some information related to scent / perfume, such as knowledge or to refresh back to you already know.
Fragrance or perfume is composed of several types based on the amount or concentration of a mixture of oil and water. Mixture or concentration affects the durability perfume. The higher the concentration of a perfume, the scent of the old and the less you need to wear them

Pure Perfume :

Is pure perfume, with the highest concentration in compare others. Usually we call it the seeds of perfume. Pure perfume is rarely found in the free market. The aroma can last more than 6 hours

Eau de Perfume (EDP) :

The second type which have less concentration in pure perfume compare. Perfume EDP type is usually a lot for women, for men rarely. The price is usually expensive because much of the oil concentration (8-15%). EDP has a resistance of about 4-6 hours aroma.

Eau de Toilette (EDT) :

Perfume / fragrance for men usually are of this type. Oil concentration of about 4-10%, less if compared EDP, and the smell can last for 3-4 hours.

Eau de Cologne : 

This last type is a perfume with the lowest concentration of about 2-5%, most often be found in the product-products fragrances for women. The aroma can last up to 3 hours.
Perfume has 3 layers of scents based on evaporation rates, each layer is made very carefully by experts.

Top Notes :

An aroma layer above, namely aroma wafted when perfume spray, consisting of small molecules, which can be volatile light

Middle Notes :

The middle layer of the scent, which comes after the aroma scent top notes evaporate, usually after 15 minutes to 1 hour. This scent will gradually merge with the skin and the longer it will be softened.

Base Notes :

Layer basic aroma is rich with the aroma molecules are the largest and longest-evaporation. This scent will be mixed with the scent of middle notes are fused in the skin that forms the main fragrance of a perfume.
The aroma of the top layer and middle layer is influenced by the aroma of the base, and the aroma of the base layer will be influenced by the type of material used in the middle layer.

Important Tips Regarding Perfume.

Tips on choosing and buying, storing and troubleshooting tips wear perfume. Perfume is so important for our appearance, because as we all know, the scent of our bodies is crucial. Sense of smell is much more sensitive compared to the sense of sight. Few your pleasant aroma wafted by her targets, corrupted the impression he was going to look you.

Choosing Perfume.

In choosing and buying a perfume is actually not easy but also not too difficult. For those of you who are beginners in terms of perfume, you can ask and ask for recommendation to others will perfume she likes.
But the problem is, the wear perfume when everyone is not the same, because it is also influenced by the aroma of the base body.

Some things that you can follow in selecting perfumes:

1. Consider the olfactory others.

Choosing the right perfume is not just because you like the smell, but you also have to consider other people smell. For those of you who are beginners, perfume with the scent of Citrus is a safe choice, almost all women love.

2. Sniff test.

In search of the right perfume, you must diligently perform sniff test for various kinds of perfume. However, the maximum daily limit 3 perfume, because if it's more than you already diminished sense of smell and difficult to distinguish the scent before.

3. Spray the perfume during the sniff test.

If you go to the mall or store perfume to sniff test, spray it on your arm instead to the cardboard that is given seller. Wait about 15 minutes for the scent mingled with oil on your arm.
If you like the scent, try to ask the opinion of some female visitors to the mall, you can be jamming all their hits as it teaches Hitman System. If they like the scent of the perfume, buy a vial (small version) of the perfume, do not immediately buy the large size.

4. Using a vial of perfume.

Try using a vial of perfume that you have purchased for a few days and ask the people closest to you, especially women. If most of the love and praise perfume of your choice, then buy the perfume in large size.

Storing Perfume.

After buying a perfume, often we neglect in terms of storage. In fact, the way you can determine the content store perfume perfume and aroma durability.

There are a few things to note in perfume store, as follows:

1. Save the perfume in a cool and dry.

Do not put perfume in a place exposed to sunlight. Because heat and sunlight can damage the liquid in it.

2. Close the back and insert it into the original box.

Once in use, the cap back on the bottle of perfume, if necessary, put in the original box. This is done to prevent the perfume does not quickly evaporate. You certainly do not want a pet perfume that has been purchased with expensive, but only for some time use only.

3. Save the perfume in a box while traveling.

If you frequently travel out of town to use aircraft, perfume store would you take in a box or a place that is airtight. Because while in the plane, high air pressure and changing the content of perfume can lead quickly evaporated.

The use of perfume.

In not wear any perfume spray to the section you like, let alone to your outfit.

There are a few things you need to know:

1. Wear perfume according to the event which will be attended.

There are differences fragrances for different occasions. It is important for you to have some kind of perfume with different scents. Perfume with a light and fresh scent fit in wear during the day, while the scent of perfume with a hard or a little sting can wear at night.

2. Spray the perfume on the body, not the clothes.

Spray perfume on pulse points of your body parts such as the inner wrists, behind the ears, neck or arm elbow. The body part is a part of the body that contain heat. Liquid perfume mixed with oil and heat the body will produce optimal aroma and lasting.

3. Wear perfume taste.

In using perfume, you should just 2-3 times spray. If someone else who is more than 2 meters can smell the scent of your perfume, you use it too much.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 27, 2014 at 09:44
Tag : Knowing before buying.

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