Wednesday 21 January 2015

Creator of Bitcoin.

Inventors bitcoin.

Until now, the digital currency Bitcoin's attention. Presence is phenomenal, full of controversy, and even its creator was still a mystery.
News Week recently claimed to have met and had an exclusive interview with the creator of Bitcoin named Satoshi Nakamoto called. According to the media from the United States, Nakamoto is a Japanese-American men aged 64 years who lived in Southern California, USA.
However, no one knows the background of the work Nakamoto. He is known only ever worked in a large corporation and military institutions in the United States. News Week senior writer, Leah McGrath Goodman trying to extract information about Nakamoto from family and friends.
Unfortunately, the results were less satisfactory. His family only describe that Nakamoto is a smart figure, moody, obsessive, busy lifting a phone call, and check email.
They also say that most of life Nakamoto only covered by two things about Bitcoin is money and confidentiality. Yes, Nakamoto is very closed and did not comment on a lot of things about Bitcoin.
"I am no longer involved with Bitcoin and I can not talk about it," said Nakamoto, while ignoring all further questions, slapping his left hand.
"All has been handed over to someone else. Now they are responsible. I no longer have any relationship, "said Nakamoto.
Nakamoto also refused to be interviewed and did not say anything else. As a result of that conversation came to an end.
Introduced around 2009 and officially launched in February 2014, Bitcoin itself is a payment network peer-to-peer who is open. Bitcoin is not a legal entity known and potential losses are very high.
Another risk associated Bitcoin is a value which is very volatile. For example, in early January 2013, Bitcoin was US $ 13 per chip (1 BTC). That figure skyrocketed more than US $ 1,100 per chip in December 2013, and then trimmed to only half in a few hours after the banning Bitcoin transactions in China.
This makes the value of Bitcoin become unstable and become their own problems for businesses that use the virtual currency. The price of goods and the value of money paid can rise or fall sharply within a very short time.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 21, 2015 at 15:49
Tag : Creator of Bitcoin.

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