Showing posts with label About Fortress Lodwijk.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Fortress Lodwijk.. Show all posts

Monday 25 January 2016

About Fortress Lodwijk.

Fortress ruins Lodewijk.
Before the Dutch colonial government to enter Indonesia, the Portuguese first set foot on earth our beloved motherland.
History proves that the Portuguese colonists came all the way from their home country because they want to target a variety of natural resources that exist in Indonesia, including spices.

Portuguese really know that as a country that is fertile and rich, archipelago much coveted by the other invaders.
To secure the colony of seizure attempts by other nations as well as to strengthen the position of offensive anti-colonial indigenous groups, the Portuguese feel the need to build fortifications.

Fortress ruins Lodewijk.
Portuguese fortifications scattered in Indonesia is quite numerous. One of them is in Gresik, East Java.
But the fort was named Lodwijk it may be said now only a name for the rest of the building could hardly be enjoyed again charm alias shattered. What remains is only a small part of the fort buildings.

The stones that make up the walls of the fort apart from each other. Scattering location. There are some walls of the castle that I can still recognize. That also does not appear to be a former bastion walls.
On the remaining walls of the castle are also around a lot of growing some kind of moss and shrubs suspected of exacerbating the damage the castle itself.

Lodwijk fortress located in the coastal village of Mengare, Bungah - Gresik, East Java. Most people refer to it as an island village Mengare.
There are two ways to get to the location of Fort Lodwijk, first by boat from the pier Mengare village on the coast where the castle is located. Boat rental costs around Rp 50,000.

Secondly, as I do that in a way to cross by boat klotok while bringing the motor to the dock where the fort was located. Some amenyebut area where the fort was nicknamed Lodwijk Island.

Remembering Glory Fort Lodewijk Manari.

Strategic location Gresik has been known since the Dutch colonial period, is characterized by the presence fort built Lodwijk Dutch government in 1808. It is then underlying Yogyakarta Archaeological Center began conducting research in 2006

The strategic location of the region Gresik has been known since the Dutch colonial period, is characterized by the presence fort built Lodwijk Dutch government in 1808. It is then underlying Yogyakarta Archaeological Center began conducting research in 2006

Research Fort Lodewijk Manari or currently named Mengare get some faktah history of the ins and outs of this site, ranging from the chronology, layout, functionality, up to technology and the natural environment aspects.

One of the initial information obtained and became the basis for research in the field is an ancient map in 1811 of "the qonquest of java" on a map of the building Fort Lodewijk

Lodewijk castle building stands on the silt which juts into the Strait of Madura, which is about 400 yards from mengare. According to information obtained Lodewijk castle building structure is very sophisticated when it is using a wood foundation that stands above the newly established Fort Lodewijk mud, or now there is a mention of foundation chicken claw

Based on ancient maps Fort Lodewijk standing in the middle of the island while the present conditions that became one with the mainland due to the accumulation of silt in the Strait of Madura

Dutch legacy wells in Fort Lodewijk

Alai in Yogyakarta Archaeological research found some wells that are not included in the map

The rest of the Fort Lodewijk

Becoming more and more the rest of the building Fort Lodewijk missing either due to abrasion of sea water, there is also caused by irresponsible hands, hopefully the government's role to preserve and make strategic tourist sites.

White Sand Beach Island Fort Lodewijk Mengare Gresik.

Mengare is one village in the district of Gresik that is located in the coastal areas. Administratively Village Mengare included as part of the District Bungah and directly adjacent to the sea. The bulk of the people in this place fishermen.

Mengare village is located in an area a little away from the crowd. Distance to get to this place about 5 Km from northern Gaza. The existence of this village may not be so much to know. However, the potential of tourist destinations that are in this place became an attraction in itself. Tourism potential of which is evidence of the history of the nation (Fort Lodewijk) and the potential of unspoiled beaches to forests which are uninhabited.

Fort Lodewijk beach.

One of the tourism potential that I will explore the Côte Fort Lodewijk. The beach is located in one location with historic buildings Lodewijk Fortress. Access to go to this location can only be reached by sea. So to visit we had rented a boat from people around the coast.

Their journey is to arrive at this place takes about 30 minutes by boat fishermen. The condition of the sea water here is not so clear, this is because most of the seafloor is mud so the sea was murky brown.

Once down the end we were greeted by a sea of ​​white sand with a lush green forest surroundings. White sand contained in this beach turned out to be dominated by piles of shells and a large variety of white. Being in this place we seemed to be the owner of the island. In this area we will not see anyone at all because the place is uninhabited.

Beach conditions in place is still very natural, almost in every corner of the beach there is no plastic waste or other household trash. The original inhabitants of this place are a bunch of wild monkeys and other animals. If we are lucky, we will see it, but to be able to see it we have to go a bit into the forest area.

Fort Lodewijk beach is very natural tourism potential that can be developed to attract visitors to get to know more in this place. With proper management and improvement of a variety of other supporting infrastructure is very important to increase the interest of tourists to visit this beach.

Not inhabited forest on the island of Fort Lodewijk Mengare Gresik.

Tracing an uninhabited place indeed be an interesting sensation of traveling activity when we wanted to explore a new area that we know. Search this time focused on a coastal area in Gresik precisely in the island village of Fort Lodewijk Mengare.

Mengare village including a part of the District Bungah and is located 5 Km from the northern Gaza. Way to go to the village of Mengare form of street paving. Along the way to this place we will see a fish farm or farms that seemed to have no end.

Island Fortress Lodewijk

Arriving in the village Mengare we have to continue the journey by using fishing boats. This is because the existence of the island far from the settlement so the only way is through the sea. The journey takes about 20 minutes to reach the island fortress Lodewijk.

The island is an uninhabited island in the area of ​​Fort Lodewijk. In the area of ​​Fort Lodewijk we explore the other side of this place. The other side of the forest area that is still very natural.

During the forest along we just found some traces of hikers who were around the beach. Getting into entering the forest area, we will not find traces of pedestrians at all. So we have to define and create our own path in order to continue the journey along this forest.

In the forest area we were greeted by a crowd of wild monkeys in the distance. The monkeys seemed disturbed by our presence and prefer to go away. Lodewijk fortress island beauty hidden behind the thick vegetation eventually slowly begin to reveal its form.

The beauty of it is formed in the presence of a large tree that was between some small trees that hung high up into the sky. View which we can certainly not be taken for granted. To that while in the forest area we capture every moment the beauty of the forest uninhabited island fortress this.

Satisfied through the beauty of the forest on the island fortress Lodewijk we decided to go to the coastal areas to make it easier to get to where we lean ship. The trip to the coast which we pass fields turned into mud dried with surrounding mangroves.

The diversity of plants and animals native inhabitants of the island fortress Lodewijk is a natural potential which we must keep and save. Search uninhabited forest became traveling activities we can do if visiting the island of Fort Lodewijk.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: January 25, 2016 at 08:40
Tag : About Fortress Lodwijk.