Showing posts with label Layur fish.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layur fish.. Show all posts

Sunday 2 March 2014

Layur fish.

Trichiurus lepturus

Layur ( Trichiurus lepturus ) .

Layur ( Trichiurus lepturus ) is one kind of fish catches of the Fisherman Indonesia. Perhaps , the name of this fish is not so familiar in your ear . Similarly, the shape and taste of the fish .
Layur abundant in the waters of Indonesia , probably widespread in almost all parts of the Indonesian archipelago . Almost every fishing port that has the fish auction place we will be able to easily find this Layur fish sold by the fisherman who had just unloading cargo .

Layur fish ready for sale.

Layur is a type of pelagic fish and have a positive fototaksis properties ( easily attracted by light stimulation ) . Therefore, the fisherman uses bait to lure Layur light . Fishermen usually bring petromak or fluorescent lights for fish attraktor Layur . At the time of the evening , where Layur straddling of the base toward the surface , will be attracted by the bait Layur light installed by the fisherman . When approaching the surface Layur fish , fisherman will be able to easily capture both use fishing line or nets . Layur a social type of fish , they usually live migratory or clustered . Thus , Fishermen can obtain a lot of catches when ruaya Layur have got the right place. Layur can be easily found in the sea when the east wind season (April to October). These months is the month of harvest Layur for the Fishermen.
Layur long and slender bodies . Body length can reach 2m and can weigh up to 5kg . Based on the source of Wikipedia , maximum age Layur ever recorded was 15 years old . Although his body lean and do not have a lot of meat , but Layur still much sought after . This is because the meat is soft and does not have a lot of thorns . Various recipes can also use the basic ingredients of fish Layur , halted from Layur Soups , Peyek Layur (Javanese ) or Layur dried .
This fish is also one type of fish for export . Main export is fish Layur Japan and Korea . Japanese and Korean residents are very fond of dishes made ​​from etfish Layur . For those of you who have never tasted , you should try it !
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: Maret 02, 2014 at 09.10
Tag : Layur fish.